Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Earth Day

As we approach Earth Day 2009, I try to keep in mind it's not just a day it's an attitude.  I hope that in our lives and homes we can maintain healthy environmental practices 24/7/365, not just 4/22.

Go to for ways to enrich your Earth Day and everyday.  Click on the Go Green section for ideas submitted by Summit listeners and Green businesses.  If you are in the Akron area on Earth Day, check out The Summit's event schedule of live broadcasts throughout the day, finishing with a concert by singer/songwriter Zach.

While you're at The Summit website, you can listen to the best commercial-free music online.  You can post a comment or a blog of what you think of The Summit on their community blog.  They're also on Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, & My Space.  Hope to see you there sometime!