Sunday, August 30, 2009

No Singing Frogs

I have a tiny backyard pond, and usually in the summer the frogs raise a ruckus. Not this summer. Maybe it's been too cool for their liking. Anyone out there have any thoughts?


  1. Hi Julie! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I came by to reciprocate this morning, which is a rare activity for me these days. The first thing I see is your little frog on the lily pad in your pond, and immediately I was taken back to a few years ago when we had a most beautiful pond in our very front yard. Every summer we were treated (and sometimes annoyed) by the loud cacophany (or was it symphony) of the various frogs that lived around and in our pond. Yes, every summer. Why you should be having a frog-song free summer, I don't know. POssibly it is the coolness of your summer, or there is a lack of food in the area so they have gone elsewhere? The other possibility is that there is an increase of other critters that eat the frog eggs and tadpoles, thereby preventing the adult frogs from ever having a chance to chirp! Do you have fish in your pond? Perhaps a frog-eating snake? I don't know all the animals that would feed upon frog, but I'm sure there are many. This year, I hear the sound of cicadas more than frogs. We had many koi in our pond, and they loved to eat cicadas... we had so many cicada that I could just pick them up off the ground or off the trees and toss them into the pond. The koi ate them like candy. Thank you for the memories!

  2. Hi Bea! Your pond sounds like it was a lot more natural than mine. We have just three koi fish. They've been here before us. I haven't seen any snakes around. We have a few snails in the water. Maybe the great blue heron has visited when we weren't looking. It's almost time to put the net over to keep the falling leaves out. Our pond is a lot of work but it's so relaxing too. My husband says for all the effort put into it, he'd rather have a pool. Oh well, have a great week!
