Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Checking Out World Cafe

I don't usually take the time to listen to World Cafe on The Summit, weekdays from 6-8 am, but I did today.  Normally from 6-7 I'm packing lunches and making sure everyone is awake, fed, and ready for school/work.  It's quite chaotic most days.  Then from 7-8 it's a more leisurely watching the news with my youngest son, (when the news is appropriate), and maybe we have some time for VH1 Classic, (again if appropriate for my child).  At 8 we switch on 91.3 The Summit and we have a game of guess which song Mr. Bill Hall will start his day with. 
This morning I had a listen to the last half of World Cafe, and I really enjoyed what I heard.  Especially a Decemberists tune about England, I already knew and liked their song "Valencia".  The next song that really grabbed me, I thought for sure was another cut from the David Burne/Brian Eno album, but I was surprised to find out that it was Akron's own Joseph Arthur.  Just being back in the Akron area for two years, I need to study up on the local artists.



  1. Hi Julie! My grandparents hailed from Alliance OH and when I saw your blog just had to stop by and see if this was "Akron OH". I have relatives in Canton, also (cousins). God Bless and nice to meet you.

  2. Hi Lynne, nice to meet you too. Thanks for stopping by.
